March 27 – 29, 2009
Lecturer: Professor Antal E. Fekete
Guest Lecturers: Darryl Schoon, Nathan Narusis, Rudy Fritsch, Peter Van
Session Encore is dedicated to the unfolding Great Depression. It will start at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 27 and end at 12 noon on Sunday, March 29. It will be held at the Martineum Academy in Szombathely, Hungary. There will be two lectures in the morning and one lecture after lunch on Friday and Saturday (no afternoon lecture on Sunday). There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion. Participants may also request private consulting, in which case an extra charge of EUR 250 per hour would apply for a minimum of a one-hour consultation. Please note that GSUL is the only forum where you can learn about the gold and silver basis. Information on the basis and its uses is generally not available to the public except at exorbitant private consulting fees. We shall also discuss the backwardation in gold and silver.
The tuition fee for participation in Session Encore of the Gold Standard University is EUR 700. This does include accommodation for three nights (Thursday, Friday, Saturday), breakfast and unch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In addition to this, coffee, tea and refreshments will be available before, between, and after the lectures. A closing banquet will be given on Saturday which is also included in the fee. The participation fee does not include travel costs, nor the evening meals, but dinner is available on the premises for approx. EUR 7 for those who order upon arrival. Also, there are restaurants outside Martineum where you can sample traditional Hungarian cuisine. Please note that there is a EUR 150 non-refundable pre-registration fee that will be credited toward the tuition fee.
Registration Information:
In order to register, send us notice of your intention to attend to, plus send the registration fee (pre-registration and/or registration). Banking information for payment will be provided after inquiry. Participation is limited; first come first served. Further notices and details will be posted on this website
Schedule for Session Encore
Great Depression II
Friday, March 27
9:30 am – 11:00 am Introduction
Professor Fekete
11:30 am – 1:00 pm Basis, Contango, Backwardation for beginners
Rudy Fritsch, Canada
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Is There Life after Backwardation?
Peter Van Coppenolle, Belgium
Saturday, March 28
9:30 am – 11:00 am “The Worst Depression”
Darryl Schoon, U.S.A.
11:30 am – 1:00 pm Will the Gold Standard Be Released from Quarantine?
Professor Fekete
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Basis. Contango, Backwardation, advanced level
Nathan Narusis, Canada
7:00 pm Banquet at the Martineum
Sunday, March 29
10:00 am – 11:30 am The Vaporization of the Derivatives Tower
Closing message
Professor Fekete
Travel Information. Szombathely is in the Western part of Hungary close to the Austrian border. Most of our previous participants from overseas arrived at Vienna International Airport. From the train station at the airport you can take a train to Szombathely, Hungary (with a possible transfer at Gyor). Alternatively, you may fly to Budapest and take a direct Intercity train from the railway station Budapest Keleti pályaudvar to Szombathely leaving every two hours. (Travel time is approx. 3 hours.) If you arrive in Vienna, you may also rent a car (advance booking is recommended). The approx. distance from Vienna to Szombathely is 60 miles.
Information about Martineum Academy:
Address: 9700 Szombathely, Karmelita u.1, Hungary
Telephone: +36 94 514-340
Fax: +36 94 514-341
Map of Szombathely (location of Martineum is marked: mfa)