Gold Standard Institute – Is The Global Financial Crisis Really Over?

March 25 – 29, 2010
Lecturer: Prof. Antal E. Fekete
Guest Lecturers: Sandeep Jaitly, Rudy Fritsch, Darryl Schoon, and Peter Van Coppenolle

The seminar is sponsored by the Gold Standard Institute (GSI). It will be held March 25-29, 2010, at the Martineum Academy in Szombathely, Hungary. The seminar will include 13 one-hour lectures, and there will be plenty of opportunity for discussion. Participants may also request private consulting, in which case an extra charge of EUR 250 per hour would apply for a minimum of a one-hour consultation. The seminar will feature an update on the Gold Basis. Lecturer: Sandeep Jaitly, a member of GSI research team who will be a key officer of the Monsoon Fund, a unique gold fund trading the gold basis instead of the gold price. Please note that GSI is the only forum where you can learn about the basis. Information on the ba¬sis and its uses is generally not available to the public except at exorbitant private consul¬ting fees. Another exclusive feature of this seminar is Peter Van Coppenolle’s presentation of an exclusive business idea turning the ridiculously undervalued “legal tender gold coins” to your advantage. Professor Fekete will discuss the world’s nagging pension problem. “All hands to the pumps! The pension funds are sinking!”

Registration Information:
The tuition fee for participation in Session II of the Gold Standard Institute is EUR 1000. This does include accommodation, breakfast and lunch every day. In addition to this, a closing banquet is also included in the fee. The participation fee does not include travel costs, nor the evening meals, but dinner is available on the premises at approx. EUR 8 for those who order it in advance. Also there are restaurants outside Martineum where you can sample traditional Hungarian cuisine. Please note that there is an EUR 150 non-refundable pre-registration fee that will be credited toward the tuition fee. Please contact to register. In order to register, send us notice of your intention of attending to, plus send the registration fee (pre-registration and/or registration) to the bank account as follows:

Method of Payment.
Erste Bank, Hauptstrasse 4, 8380 Jennersdorf, Austria
Account holder: Antal Fekete
Account number: 290-627-191/01
Swift code: GIBAATWW
IBAN number: AT372011129062719100
Please indicate your name and “GSI”

Travel Information. Szombathely is in the Western part of Hungary close to the Austrian border. Most of our previous participants from overseas arrived at Vienna International Airport. From the train station at the airport you can take a train to Szombathely, Hungary (with a possible transfer at Gyor). Alternatively, you may fly to Budapest and take a direct Intercity train from the railway station Budapest Keleti pályaudvar to Szombathely leaving every two hours. (Travel time is approx. 3 hours.) If you arrive in Vienna, you may also rent a car (advance booking is recommended). The approx. distance from Vienna to Szombathely is 60 miles.

Information about Martineum Academy:
Address: 9700 Szombathely, Karmelita u. 1, Hungary
Telephone: +36 94 514-340
Fax: +36 94 514-341

Thursday, March 25
9:30-10:00 Introduction Prof. Fekete
10:30-1:00 Is the Global Financial Crisis Really Over? Prof. Fekete, Budapest, Hungary
3:00-4:30 Continuation of the preceding lecture

Friday, March 26
9:30- 11:00 The Giant Vampire Squid and its Reception in the East Darryl Schoon, USA
11:30-1:00 Advanced Research on the Gold Basis Sandeep Jaitly, London, UK
3:00-4:30 The Monsoon Fund Sandeep Jaitly, London, UK

Saturday, March 27
9:30-11:00 Pension Funds between Scylla and Charibdys Prof. Fekete, Budapest, Hungary
11:30-1:00 Deflation and Your Pension (continuation of preceding lecture)
3:00-4:30 Restarting the Global Economy after the Evenutual Sudden Death of the Dollar Nathan Narusis, Canada Sunday, March 28
9:30-11:00 Turning the Ridiculously Undervalued “Legal tender Gold Coins” to your Advantage Peter Van Coppenolle, Belgium
11:30- 1:00 Tax Consequence of Owning and Paying Wages with Legal Tender Gold Coins (Continuation of preceding lecture) Peter Van Coppenolle, Belgium
3:00-4:30 Practical Examples to the Usage of the Previous Topic by an Entrepreneur Rudy Fritsch, Canada
7:00 pm Banquet at the Martineum

Monday, March 29
9:30-11:00 Be Prepared!!! – Closing message Prof. Fekete, Budapest, Hungary

You can watch the recordings of this seminar for free on YouTube or listen to it as a podcast