Has the world reached the ultimate economic and monetary
Aug. 9 – 20, 2010
Lecturer: Prof. Antal E. Fekete
Guest Lecturers: Rudy Fritsch (Canada)
Peter Van Coppenolle (Belgium),
Sandeep Jaitly (United Kingdom)
The school is meant for all students (including beginners) interested in the Austrian theory of money, credit and banking. The school’s program plans to cover the whole spectrum of Austrian economics. It is recommended especially for those who have read the papers of Prof. Fekete about the instability of the present monetary system and would like to follow up the questions raised or had difficulties in understanding his statements.
The complete program consists of four courses (10 days, 20 lectures each). Completion of each of the four courses will earn one credit. Students with 4 credits will earn a diploma, approved by the Adult Education Accreditation Board of Hungary and signed by Professor Fekete. Accreditation has been applied for. The four courses are as follows:
Course I: Disorder and Coordination in Economics — Has the world reached the ultimate economic and monetary disorder?
Course II: Adam Smith’s Real Bills Doctrine and the Social Circulating Capital
Course III: The Austrian Theory of Interest and Discount
Course IV: The Austrian Theory of Money, Credit and Banking
Time and place for Courses II-IV will be announced later.
Participants of the course could stay on afterwards and savor the superb spa and cultural offerings in Budapest. Make it a family holiday! Eating and shopping facilities, as well as a swimming pool are nearby. Spectacular sight-seeing and excursions can be arranged in the surrounding hills, and boat trips on the River Danube.
The tuition fee for Course I is EUR 1,000, including printed handouts. Travel costs, accommodation and meals are at the expense of the participants. However, the school made arrangements for participants at favorable rates, see next page.
Scholarships are available. If you wish to apply, please write an essay of about 3 pages with the title: How I Have Become Interested in Austrian Economics?
Organizer of the course is Dr. Judith Szepesvari, the wife of Prof. Fekete szepesvari17@gmail.com,
tel: +36 1 325-7996 or +36 20 569-6022.
1. Lower class accommodation for students
For those who are still at school and are not well off, dorm-type accommodation is available in the building of Bethlen Gabor College (shared bathrooms, shared kitchen), however, if they register early enough, they can stay alone in a four-bed room at a rate of 3.500 HUF/person/night (exchange rate, subject to change: 1 USD = 213,80 HUF; 1 EUR = 272,20 HUF). Inexpensive restaurant and food stores are nearby.
2. Higher class accommodation in a three-star hotel nearby
Room rate in the hotel is HUF 13.500/person/night (exchange rate, subject to change: 1 USD =213,80 HUF; 1 EUR = 272,20 HUF).
Registration Information:
In order to register please send us notice of your intention of attending and your preference for accommodation to szepesvari17@gmail.com, we shall make the booking on your behalf; plus send the tuition fee of EUR 1,000 of which EUR 150 is non-refundable.
Method of Payment
Erste Bank, Hauptstrasse 4, 8380 Jennersdorf, Austria
Account holder: Antal Fekete
Account number: 290-627-191/01
Swift code: GIBAATWW
IBAN number: AT372011129062719100
Please indicate your name and “NASOE” on the bank transfer.
Accomodation is to be paid in cash in HUF (Hungarian Forint) directly to the College or the Hotel:
Address of Bethlen Gábor College
1116 Budapest, Temesvár u. 16-18.
Address of the hotel:
Hotel Ventura
1119 Budapest, Fehérvári út 179.